(SM) owns Twilight.
owns the plot.
(RobzBeanie) is a
lifesaver and she beta this.
is my soul-mate and per-reader.
Chapter 7
Isabella Marie
"What on earth am I going to do in this room for seven days?
I'm going to be bored out of my mind!" I groaned in frustration.
"Sex," the prince said.
"Excuse me?!" I asked with wide eyes, disbelief filling
my voice. I wondered if he was out of his mind himself or had suddenly gone
crazy. I mean, he’d seemed okay just a minute ago and was talking somewhat
reasonably. But now? Not so much.
Oh, my God! I thought … I thought we’d made it clear we are not
interested in each other. I thought we'd be starting our faking now. He really
didn't think we'd go that far in faking!
"Sexy days," he replied.
"Sexy days? What do you mean by 'sexy days'? We can't
have sex. I won't have sex with you. I thought we just talked about how this was
all a mistake! I can't do that, I can't have sex with you! Please, tell me you
don't think we should!"
Oh, my God! He really doesn't think we should start working on that
heir he needs, does he?!
The prince stared at me while I panicked and spoke hysterically, a
frown on his face and a confused expression.
"What does 'sexy days' even mean?" I asked in a
whisper as I saw him take a step in my direction. My vision blurred with tears though
I had no idea why they were there at all.
All of the thoughts from last night and the ones I had just had two
hours ago came rushing back to me – the fear, the terror … I hated it.
The prince paused after the one step, then looked at me with
something I couldn't read once again – he was so hard to read. He then took the few steps left between us
and stopped only when our bodies were almost touching.
My breath was caught in my throat when he bent his head down and
brought his face so close to mine. I closed my eyes, causing a sad, lonely tear
to fall down my cheek when I felt his breath on my neck as he spoke near my ear.
"Six days, Princess. We have six days left, not seven. Six.
S. I. X." he said in a very soft voice.
Wha- … Oh.
He had a small smirk on his lips when he backed away a little to
look into my eyes that I had opened once the realization of what he’d actually meant
settled in. It looked as if he was trying to contain his smirk and hide it from
me. It fell right away though, once he noticed the tear that had ended its path
beside the corner of my lips.
He stared into my eyes for a moment; something strange was filling
his green eyes. It was sort of sadness, mixed with sorrow, but it mostly just looked
like sympathy, and then he looked away.
I hated it.
It upset me that I had earned that kind of look from him; I hated
that I looked pity-worthy. And I blamed it all on my brother – the feelings I
had, the terror, the fear and the shame. I was ashamed of myself for looking so
weak and venerable.
But who was I kidding? I didn't only look weak and venerable, I actually
was. I was completely alone, in this room, with this perfect stranger. I
was supposed to be his wife; I was his wife. He could kill me, or worse,
he could rape me, and I wouldn't be able to stop him. I might say 'no', I might
scream, might fight, but I'd always lose. He was built, taller, and much stronger
than me; I had no chance with him.
"Ahem,'' he cleared his throat. I wiped my cheek with the back
of my hand, removing the sign of my misery. "You should eat something, you
haven't eaten since yesterday," he said. "There is lots of food in
here, and I think you might like it." He pointed to the big, round tray
that Mona had left on the table that was in the middle of the room.
It was only when he said that that I noticed I was actually
famished. I offered him a small smile but didn't make any move, only bit my lip
and looked around the room nervously. It felt awkward to be eating with him for
some reason. I mean, wouldn't it be so weird to just eat together like that
without talking? I wouldn't know what to talk with him about. I didn't want to make
small talk with him, anyway.
"Uh, would you like to eat in the sunroom?" he asked.
"Sunroom?" I asked in confusion. "I can leave the
room?" Hope wrapped my voice.
"Uh, technically you wouldn't leave the room if you went to
the sunroom," he told me.
"But, there is no sunroom here!"
He frowned. "Yes, there is. Hasn't your brother shown you
aroun-" He stopped mid-sentence, then looked down and shook his head, a bitter
smile on his face. "Of course, he hasn't."
No. He was too busy pointing a gun to my head, I thought sadly.
"Come," he motioned for me to follow him as he walked toward
the huge mirror that was next to the bed. I stood beside him and waited for
whatever he wanted to show me in that mirror. I only saw our reflections.
"Uh-" Before I could say anything, the prince flipped a
button that was on the wall beside the mirror, which made the line in the
middle of it spread open to reveal a big room behind it.
I stepped inside unconsciously, noticing that it was a freakily
huge, enclosed sunroom.
"Wow!" I exclaimed. The room was a wide space. There was
a nice table in the corner with two chairs, on the other side there was a set with
a metal couch and two arm chairs, and at the far end there was a gorgeous swing
that looked so very comfortable that for a moment, I imagined myself sitting
there and having a good read.
"This is beautiful," I said to no one, admiring the
plants and roses that surrounded the place. The sunroom had windows all over
it, floor to ceiling. It was brightly lit, the soft sunlight was making it even
more beautiful if that was possible. It was such a sight.
"Yes, it is," the prince said, getting my attention back
to him and making me realize that I wasn't alone. "It's my favorite spot
in the whole palace."
"Was that your room before, uh-…" The thought crossed my
mind, and I had to ask.
He smiled lightly. "No," was how he started his respond.
"This is new to me, too."
I nodded, then gazed out of one of the windows after I took a few
steps forward.
"I'll go call Mona to bring breakfast in here," he said
before leaving.
Out of the windows, the view was as gorgeous as the inside of the
place I was standing in. I could see a very large garden that I supposed
surrounded the palace. There was a road that led to a huge gate at the end, but
it seemed like a quite long walk to get there.
I sighed.
I had no idea how I was going to get out of here, but I wasn't
going to back down without even trying. Soon, I should try, once I get the
"The food is getting cold." The prince's voice brought me
once again from my clouded-with-thoughts mind. I didn't even realize that Mona had
already placed the tray on the table and left, or even that he was back and
"Yeah," I said and made my way to the table. Everything
looked delicious. The plates alone looked so good that I would've eaten them if
I could.
"I'm going to go and take a quick shower, if you need
anything, just call Mona," he told me.
''Won't you eat something?" I found myself asking.
A small smile. "No, I'm fine," and he left.
I huffed, suddenly not feeling so hungry, but I knew I had to eat
something or I was going to faint.
The food was amazing. I didn't know what half of the plates
contained, but it was so wonderfully good, I thought I'd never get enough.
A while later, my eyes widened as a guy entered the room; I had no
idea who he was. And for a moment, I panicked. I was only comforted back once
the bright green of his eyes met my blues.
The prince offered me one of his small smiles, but I just sat there
gaping at him. He was dressed in black sweatpants and a short-sleeved white
shirt. His brown hair was a mess on top of his head, but looked unbelievably
organized at the same time. He looked so different than when he was wearing his
gelbab, like he wasn't the same person, and to be honest, both versions were
incredibly beautiful.
I was taken aback by the fact that seeing it was him comforted me.
I mean, I'd just met the guy not two days ago, and a few hours earlier, I'd
held a weapon intending to hurt him.
He was still scary to me, nonetheless.
I frowned in confusion when he came to the table and dipped his
yet-to-be-used fork into the honey bowl then put it down on his yet-to-be-touched
plate, messing his napkin that had lain neatly on the table in front of his
chair. My confusion was gone once I saw Mona stepping back into the sunroom and
clearing the table after asking us if we needed something to drink. He made
it look like he had eaten with me. I went for coffee and the prince asked
for tea. We didn't even have the liking-the-same-drink thing in common.
"Was the food okay?" he asked once Mona left after
bringing our drinks. I figured he was trying to make small talk. I wished he wouldn't.
It made me want to believe that he was a nice person. I couldn't do that. I
couldn't believe it. It was impossible for him to be nice. He was raised to be
rude and tough, I was sure of it. But pretending was something he'd been taught
as well. He just did it with his servant – he pretended. Maybe that's why he
was acting like that. Maybe …
"Uh, yeah, it was really good, actually. Mona seems to be a
great cook," I replied.
"I'm glad," he said. "Mona didn't make it, though.
It was my mother."
I choked on my coffee when he said that and coughed a few times. If
I’d known it was his mother who’d cooked, I think I would've thought twice
about eating it. She could’ve poisoned the food or spit on it or something. I
still worried she’d actually done that, but then thought that she wouldn't do
it since her son was supposed to eat with me. Or so I hoped.
"Your mother? The Queen?" I asked in disbelief.
"Wow!" I said.
"You don't, uh, hire cooks?" I couldn't imagine the Queen having
nothing better to do.
"What? Oh, no, of course we hire cooks, but it's a tradition
for the mother-in-law to cook for the bride, for a week," he explained.
"Even the Queen?"
"I've told you before, Princess. We don't make up the rules or
traditions, we only obey them."
I nodded, taking what he’d just said in. "Is that only for the
royal family?"
"No, for everyone," he said. "The bride is – how do
you put it? – um, spoiled rotten during her first week of marriage. They
serve her – her whole family and friends – even if she was a servant herself."
That's why Mona seemed offended that I did my hair by myself, I thought.
We went silent for a few moments as we both gazed out of the
windows. I watched the bright sun as it filled everywhere I could see from my
spot in the chair I sat on, while the prince stood right in front of the
biggest glass window and sipped his tea.
The sight was mesmerizing, there was no doubt, but I didn’t think
I'd ever seen anything prettier than the birds that were flying together in the
baby blue sky. It seemed like they were dancing, like they were surfing waves,
going up and down, separating and then uniting once again to draw the same
shape or an even better one than they had made not moments ago.
"This is so beautiful," I repeated the same words
I had said a few times earlier. My voice was full of amazement at the magical
sight in fronts of me.
The price looked at me over his shoulder and smiled, a small one
like the rest of his smiles, and nodded when I pointed with a shrug of my chin
to what I was looking at.
"I'm going to give you a tour once Mona goes to sleep, but
we'll have to be very quiet since she practically lives here for the
week," he told me. "If you're up to it, of course."
My eyes widened. "The whole palace?" I couldn't believe
it; it would make my escape plan a tiny bit easier if I knew of the directions
and where was what.
"No, I've already told you we can't leave," he said.
"I meant a tour of what will be your home for a while. Our place."
My shoulders hunched forward. It was very disappointing. I really
wanted to see around the palace and see if there was an easy way out, but alas
… or, could I convince him?
"But you left this morning," I tried.
"Yes, but that's the only time the groom can leave his bride,
so her family can see if she needs anything after her fir- … you know." He
waved his hand that wasn't holding the cup.
"So, you won't leave the room again for the rest of the
week?" I asked.
"No. Not unless it’s an emergency."
I sighed when he said that. If he wasn't going to leave my side, it
meant that I'd have to wait for the whole week to end before I could get the
chance to escape.
But, I knew I'd figure it out, I always did.
"Do you want to go inside?" His question came when I put
my empty cup on the table and yawned, sleepiness poking its head and waving at
"No, I'd like to stay in here for a while. You can go ahead,
though," I told him.
"Oh! You want to stay alone?"
"Yeah," I replied. His company made me have alien
feelings – some things like unease, discomfort, I didn't know. I only knew that
I wanted him far away. "Would Mona frown upon it?"
Would she go and run her tongue all over the kingdom? The question stayed in.
"Not really, I’ve already asked her not to come unless one of
us calls."
"Good." I sat back comfortably in my chair as he put his
mug beside mine on the table. But he didn't leave. He just stood there
awkwardly, not looking at me.
"I mean," he finally said, "It might get really cold
in here."
"I'll be okay," I told him, wishing he'd just leave.
He did.
Everything after that was a haze, and I remembered how sleepy I
was. It had been over twenty-eight hours since the last time I’d slept. The
events of the day before, the emotions, the hurt, the confusion … it all got the
best of me. I felt so tired and my eyelids grew heavy. I fell fast asleep in my
chair, right there in the sunroom, surrounded by green and blue, just like the
prince's eyes and mine, staring at a leaf and thinking how it was the exact
shade of his eyes as my last thought.
My head was pounding at some point. I felt as if my body was
drowning in heat, burning my skin, and covering me with cold sweat.
I felt myself shaking, I felt myself talking, but I didn't know why
I was shaking or what I was saying. I only felt so tired.
I heard voices, people were speaking – two of them, maybe three,
but their language was foreign to me. I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't.
I tried moving my hand, but it was a lost cause. So tired.
I saw things behind my closed eyelids, shadows of things I'd
already seen, though some were new to me. It was like a dream. I saw my
brother, he was hurting me, the prince, too. I begged them to stop it, but they
I felt a tear falling, it burned. I felt a hand brushing it away,
it soothed.
The hand was a stranger to me, but I came to like its touch more
and even more every time it touched my face. It felt like I wanted to feel it
on me to no end.
The throbbing in my head was fading away slowly. The pain was
easing. The heat was waning. And when my eyelids felt lighter, I opened them.
I wasn't in the sunroom anymore, I was in a bed I'd never slept in
before. It was a bit dark in the room, and pitch black outside the window.
On the other side of me there wasn't a window, but there was a shockingly
beautiful sight. The shocking part wasn't related to the beauty, I'd already known
of that, nor was it the fact that the prince was lying in the bed beside me – sleeping.
What shocked me was the fact that I found myself comforted by his closeness,
and that deep down inside me I wondered what it'd feel like to wake up to this
face every morning. Forever.
OMG. Can I borrow Prince Mazen, pwease? As always, great chapter. Can't wait for the next one. And I really hope that Queen Esmat isn't a vindecitive biatch. Hope it's just a first impression and being a mean mother-in-law at first and then later she'd be better. Love the way he was kind to tender with Bella when she was sick.
ReplyDeleteP.S: Please fuck up Jasper and have Bella do it, in front of everyone *fucking asshole*
Oh, she must have gotten sick...Was she poisoned or virus?? Or exhaustion?? God love her, first Jasper, then illness. Is she ever going to catch a break. What did Edward say to Jasper for forcing Bella to marry him? Or has he spoken to him yet?
ReplyDeleteAs always can not wait for more...
ReplyDeleteI almost cried when I saw the update!
great chapter!
What did happen to Bella? I think she is just exhausted
Oh...! Can I have the Prince? Pleaseeee? I'm sick now, he can take care of me! :P hehe
ReplyDeleteHmmm wonder if the Queen was nice and didnt spit in the food XD
Jasper's ass would have been fucked up by now if i were Marie! -.-
I can't imagine Esmet would poison her. (Not Esme) I think Jasper slapped her to waken her or something, or it was just feverish dreams? I guess she got sick because she fell asleep out in the cold sunroom. I love this story. I love it when my imagination is piqued.
ReplyDeleteThe Prince is trying so hard, my heart hurts for him. Her bitterness towards him pisses me off! I hope these two come together soon.. love this story, great chapter..
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see an update! Six and sex.... Hoe about six times sex st some point? Not yet, though, it's too early for that. I liked how he cares for her, has all those small smiles. Somehow I can imagine them so clearly. And damn but I want them to touch each other! Perhaps when he wakes up next to her.... A silly girl like me can dream!
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ReplyDeleteI feel badly for both Mazen and Marie. Marie for being tricked by her horrible brother-Mazen, too. And Mazen gave up his intended. I feel so sad for him-he thought his bride was happy to marry him, and was looking forward to their honeymoon period, but is married to a woman who has no intention of having sex with him, and is looking for any way to get away from him. Heartbreaking all around. On a lighter note, I love that room! the sunroom, the bath, and the mirrored wall next to the bed? That is a room made for sex! Too bad none is going on there!
ReplyDeletelove it and wow prince mazen is just so nice and sweet I wish I can have him and it also seems bella is falling a little bit for him I bet is not going to be long before she fells in love even if she tries to fight it update soon please
ReplyDeleteI understand that Marie is scared because she's in a foreign country, without friends and her brother betrayed her, but perhaps she has to look Mazen with more attention. Mazen is kind, and respectful and devoted to his relatives. I think that Mazen carried Marie in their bedroom and wiped her tear. If she'll spend time with Mazen, she'll love him.
ReplyDeleteYay!! You updated!!! I really hope that if its going to take time for them to love each other that they become friends and then become something more later on. I really hope so!! =D Please continue and update sooner pls!!! =D
ReplyDeleteLoved loved loved it!!
ReplyDeleteOh My God I just started reading your story and God Am I hooked. I love the concept so much , and your writing. I hope you update soon because I don't think I can wait. Thank you so much mini for that threat , I found my new addiction.
ReplyDeleteI feel so badly for Mazen. He gave up the woman he loved plus the chance to be king. I feel badly for Bella. What a royal mess! I love this fic!
ReplyDeleteThe old bitch tried to poison her ?
ReplyDeleteI am surprise that the prince didn't try to rape Bella Marie.
ReplyDeleteYou're a cunt.
DeleteYou're a cunt.
DeleteTwice ? Well, thank you, and you are NOTHING Anonymous
DeleteOh, this just gets better.